Beautiful Germany

Beautiful Germany

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Security On Business Travel

Dear Malaysian and readers, 

Some notes I've taken from Philip Dao, Dipl.-Psycho in a Security briefing. One of the best security experts I've seen and a very insightful training. Some general knowledge I will not list down, these are the rare ones.

1. Decide the closest hotel to your working site. Often we pick at downtown closest to the leisure area. It depends on situation, are you alone in a group. Always pick reputable hotels because of the extra safety they had. 

2. If a stranger picks you up from the airport, make sure you knew the meeting points and the best is to gather as much as possible his descriptions or photo. Most of the time kidnapers write down your name by looking others people' name signboard. Always call his mobile once he had identified you. This is another way of authentication. Never take things easy when you're alone.

3.  Always remember your credit card pin numbers, when a criminal wants your money, give it to them and cooperate. If they failed to get something from you, your life is on the line. Statistics showed only the cooperative victims excel the situation safely, unhurt.

4. Always prepares a wallet and filled with a reasonable amount of money. Never walks with an empty wallet. If they snap you and taken you somewhere remoted, you don't want them to be angry! Quite ironic, but from criminal analysis, it could save your life. 

5. Please ensure you have your office security contacts. Often we forget! 

6. If you a residence in Germany, you need to register before going abroad for security purposes here.  I believe all expat working in Germany considered as residence. You can see in the form, only those risky countries will be listed. Use Chrome to see it in English.

7. Beware of any trademark of the organization that you have on your attire such as. IDs etc, the more reputable your company the higher risk it will be. Dress unobtrusive and adapted to the environment. Avoid attracting attention by looking wealthy. Do some homework about the country.

And please do not rely 100% on GPS in the country with higher risk. You may bump into an unsecured area just because the route is faster!

8.  Walk smoothly, briskly even when you are lost. Never appear disoriented. You're an easy prey instantly.

9.  Use ATMs only during the daytime and at the time where there is a possible opportunity. Don't take the risk at night. 

10. Take only reputable taxi, ask the hotel to organize a good one. Wait inside the hotel until they arrived. Always take the seat behind the front passenger seat. Do not reveal too much about who you are in the taxi. 

11. At the hotel, always removed the ving card envelopes and memorize it. Do not leave your card unattended.

12. Do not open the hotel door to anyone, especially when you did not request the service. Authenticate with the hotel reception.

13. If a criminal showed a weapon, be cooperative, even to a policeman, especially when taking something out from your jacket such as passport or wallet. Give them the transparency. A bullet in the pistol chamber is easy to pull off if they think you're reaching a weapon!

14. If you rented a car abroad and if you have parked it always walk passing by the car and check any sign of intruders hiding somewhere, go inside the car and firmly drive away. Lock the car once you've entered. The parking area is not the place to read email or texting someone. Limit your time there and go away swiftly.

Philip provides lots of good tips and life altering demos, but outmost important is being attentive, high chances that the criminal will not pick you!

He is also a martial art expert working with TPS in Germany should you want to organize an expat security training. 

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